We are excited to invite you to participate in a fundraising event for the development of the Carrigtwohill Community Hall.
The Event: At 8pm on Friday September 4th our small local committee will be hosting an ‘80s Disco Party Night’. The party will take place in the Community Hall and is based on the simple format of dinner, drinks and dancing. We are encouraging everyone to dress in ‘80s Party Style’ and tickets will cost €20 per person.
The Committee’s aim is to hold a really fun, end-of-Summer celebration that members of the community can enjoy while raising some much-needed funds for the development of our Community Hall.
The Host’s Role: Each table of 16 persons will have a host and each host will provide his or her invited guests with a basic place setting (cutlery, delf, glassware) and dessert. The main course will be supplied to everyone in buffet style and nibbles will be supplied to enjoy before dinner. Guests are welcome to bring along their own drinks in lieu of a bar. Each host will need to ensure their table is set up and ready prior to the event and cleared after the event.
Your Opportunity: We are eager to ensure that organisations and clubs from the parish get the opportunity to participate. We would really appreciate it if your club/association could host a table of 16 people. If you are interested in doing so, please let us know the name of your nominated host by Friday July 3rd. Tables will be awarded on a first come first served basis.
We need your support! Your prompt response would be appreciated.
Contact: To book your table, or if you have any questions whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to contact us