A meeting was held in Carrigtwohill December 6th 1984 where an enormous crowd, estimated at over 300 packed into the Community Hall. They listened to speakers, such as Muintir na Tire National Secretary Sean Hegarty, Chief Superintendent Tom O’Reilly who had come down from the Gárda Community Relations section based in Dublin. Local T.D Michael Ahern spoke, he was a member of Carrigtwohill Community Council at the time and he gave valuable support to develop Community Alert from day one. This meeting in Carrigtwohill was also significant due to the decision by RTE to record in Carrigtwohill the following morning a Nationwide program dealing with the robbery murder aftermath.
Much of the Community Alert ethos and ideas, which were coalescing over those two weeks hardened into a, to do list that night. It was a unique moment in time, and in the lives of those present that night – Community Alert was born.
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