Strand:3 Heritage & Culture
Section 1: – Legally Protected Structures
The village and surrounding districts of Carrigtwohill are festooned with reminders our ancient past through the medieval era to more recent times, represented by the artifacts and structures left behind for us. Many are Legally Protected Structures.
This submission is based upon the detailed research undertaken by members of Carrigtwohill and District Historical Society.
The locations with their appraisals as defined by official government bodies was collated which ultimately identified 35 being listed by National Inventory of Architectural Heritage; 105 by the Record of Monuments Places; Cork County Council report 5 in their Development Plan 2022/28, the last of which to be included was Barrett’s Forge as a direct consequence of a petition to save it from the demolition squad, instigated by the society with signatures from membership at home and overseas.
Two more are currently being investigated for potential inclusion; one being Ballyadam Bridge; the other the Abbey Ruins with its Belfry Tower. The latter is currently being discussed with a team of conservation specialists.
All these sites with their rich history add to the cultural heritage the parish has to offer, and in turn will potentially contribute to tourism and the local economy.