Strand:3 Heritage & Culture

Section 2: – Market and Fair Day: Preparing for the 800th Anniversary

In 2034 Carrigtwohill will celebrate 800 years since the grant of a Market and Fair Day. C2H 2040 is about designing things that reflect what’s best about where we live.

A Market and Fair Day can deliver on this:

  • It reflects the deep heritage that enriches Carrigtwohill.
  • High Production Values will enhance our reputation as a community.
  • It allows us to create events that can have national significance and exposure.
  • It is a platform that allows us to come together to tell our story and to have fun.

There have been a number of very successful Fair Days in the recent past and we should learn from them:

  • Do fewer things, but do those things at very high production values.
  • Partner with national sponsors who become invested in the success of our events.
  • Seek financial support that ensures a 10 year programme funded in advance.
  • Build a powerful team of local people to manage logistics well in advance.

This should be over two days, adding more strands as funding allows to broaden the offering.

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