Strand:6 Lifetime Education & Health

Section 4: – Retirement in Carrigtwohill

As Carrigtwohill continues to grow and develop it is vital that we take in consideration the needs of the older population. This demographic is increasing at a rapid rate, while services oversubscribed and under underfunded. Providing suitable housing within a community promotes independence, reduces isolation, and allows access to services in a time appropriate manner. 

We need different accommodation types and resources to best facilitate this. Examples include, Independent Living Accommodation, Sheltered housing, Nursing Homes and Day Care Centres. This multi-building plan will permit the building together or individually. Often a community starts with one type of housing and the rest develops over time. 

This will be a challenging process and one that will have to be undertaken by the members of Carrigtwohill community. Most organisations researched in Ireland are either privately owned or a local limited company with charity status. This limited company would be run by a group of board members from within the locality. With the assistance of local councillors and the backing of the Community Council, the Cork County Council would be approached to allocate land for the development in the new town plans for Carrigtwohill. 

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A new town with services that are inclusive for all ages.