Strand:1 Planning & Development
Section 2: – Sustainable Carrigtwohill – A Green Town by 2040
The World Commission on Environment and Development described sustainable development as that which ‘Meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need.
Key sectors and themes
- Structure: Carrigtwohill Green Team.
This process must seek to create a role within Cork County Council of ‘the Carrigtwohill Town architect’.
- Energy
We need to support the development of ‘district heat/cooling systems, ’two-way charging, ‘and a Carrigtwohill Energy Grid’.
- Transport
Prioritise sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling, and public transport. Research has found that the daily school runs by car increases air pollution by up to three times around schools.
- Carrigtwohill Remote Working Hubs
Support people to work ‘off-site’, closer to their homes, whilst still in a professional service centre.
- Recycling and the Circular Economy
Maximise use and re-use.
- Water as a Resource
There is a general lack of awareness and appreciation of these natural water resources.
- Nature
- By 2040 we should become the greenest wildlife friendly and nature facing community in Ireland.
- There should be a tree planted for every person in our community – perhaps an innovative way of recognising a new child born to the community or the arrival of a new family.