Voting Results Are Here !

Dear Carrigtwohill Residents,

On behalf of all the volunteers involved in C2H2040, I would like to express our sincere gratitude

for your engagement with this project to date!

Attracting public engagement is difficult. A typical call to action can expect a response rate of under 5%. It is incredibly significant and genuinely heartening therefore that over 20% of the entire population of Carrigtwohill (representing around 28% of our voting-age population) took the time out of their day to consider this plan and to cast their vote.

We are incredibly grateful to have received the support of over 97% of those who voted.

As a plan that will be put before funding bodies, C2H2040 is only as strong as the demonstrable public support behind it. That is why we are delighted that you made your voices heard, answered the call, and strengthened Carrigtwohill’s hand when it comes to designing our own future.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir!

Brian O’Reilly (Chairperson)
Carrigtwohill Community Council CLG